Telegram is a powerful tool that allows you to stay in touch with your friends, family, and customers, just like WhatsApp, but it offers many more possibilities.
You can connect Telegram to your business systems, servers, routers, and processes specific to your business. Telegram can give you real-time insight, either manually or automatically, into what is happening in your business.
We have developed software that connects, for example, to the cash registers of stores using our management software, and you can know manually or automatically what is happening at any time in one or all branches of your business activity.
We are constantly looking for new features, mainly based on our customers' requests. Our approach is to perform a thorough analysis of the customer's request when they ask for a new feature.
Then, we quickly discuss with the customer the implications of the new feature on the system, employees using our software, and the overall context.
Based on the in-depth analysis and the specific case, we may cover up to 80% of the modification costs. Some modifications enhance our software, and thus, we are willing to implement them for our customers without significant charges, while other modifications are too specific to the customer, and we might accept a contribution lower than 80%.