The Web Hosting and Housing service involves providing storage space on a Web server and/or physical server where clients can host their website or, in the case of the Housing service, also their own physical server. We also offer the option of storing data in the cloud on our servers and the ability to perform scheduled or on-demand backups.
The Web Hosting service involves providing storage space on a Web server connected to the Internet where clients can upload their website and make their content accessible online. There are different Web hosting options based on clients' needs, such as the size of storage space, monthly bandwidth, number of supported domains, backup and security options, and other additional services.
The Housing service allows clients to place their own hardware in dedicated physical space in our data center. In this case, we can also provide hardware and software maintenance services for the server, as well as monitor the server to ensure high availability and reliable performance.
In both cases, we offer technical support to clients to help them effectively use the Web Hosting and Housing services. Technical support may include website monitoring, backup and restoration services, assistance with server configuration, and troubleshooting technical issues.
We are always looking for new features, especially based on our clients' requests. Our approach involves in-depth analysis of the request once the client wants to add a new feature.
Then, a quick discussion is initiated with the client regarding the new feature, its impact on the system, employees using the leased software, and any relevant context.
Based on the in-depth analysis and specific case, we assume up to 80% of the modification costs. Some modifications enhance our software, so we are willing to implement them with minimal charge to our client, while others are too specific to the client, and we may grant a contribution lower than 80%.
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